Sunday, September 23, 2007


Region: Core Worlds
Sector: Coruscant Sector
System: Coruscant system
Suns: 1 (Coruscant Prime)
Moons: Centax-1; Centax-2; Centax-3; later 2 habitation spheres and the Rainbow Bridge asteroid field (destroyed moon)
Coordinates: (0, 0, 0)
Distance from Core: 10,000 light years
Rotation period: 24 standard hours
Orbital period: 368 standard days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 12,240 km
Atmosphere: Oxygen mix
Climate: Temperate and controlled
Gravity: Standard (near 9.81 m/s2)
Primary terrain: Planetary cityscape, mountains
Surface water: Below 5% (29% in the ice caps)

Coruscant is a fictional planet in the Star Wars universe. It first appeared on screen in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, but was first mentioned in Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire. An ecumenopolis, it was renamed Imperial Center during the reign of the Galactic Empire and Yuuzhan'tar during the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. The adjective form of the planet name is Coruscanti.
Coruscant was the
capital of the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong Empire and the Galactic Alliance at various times. It is generally agreed that Coruscant is the most important world in the galaxy, evidenced by the fact that its hyperspace coordinates are (0,0,0). The galaxy's main trade routes—Rimma Trade Route, Perlemian Trade Route, Hydian Way, Corellian Run and Corellian Trade Spine—go through Coruscant, making it the richest and most influential world in the Star Wars galaxy.


Geologically, the planet comprised a molten core with rocky mantle and silicate rock crust.
The entire surface of Coruscant had been covered over throughout the thousands of generations of galactic history by sprawling mile-high skyscrapers and cities, and boasting a population of over a hundred billion to several trillion, depending on the era. These skyscrapers dwarfed all the original natural features including mountains and now dry bodies of oceans which once covered a large proportion of Coruscant's surface. Areas of Galactic City were broken up into levels,
megablocks, blocks, and subblocks. Below the skyscrapers was Coruscant's undercity, where sunlight never reached. Artificial lighting illuminated these lower levels and advertisement holograms could be seen everywhere. There were numerous establishments for entertainment, catering to a myriad of alien species.

Coruscant was once a world mostly covered in oceans. However, all natural bodies of water were drained and stored in vast caverns beneath the city as a result of years of overpopulation. The only body of water visible was the artificial Western Sea, with many artificially-created islands floating on it, used by tourists on holidays.
With no bodies of water available to feed and water its trillion inhabitants, Coruscant's architects, along with many others from around the galaxy, worked together to build a self-contained eco-system in the massive buildings set all over the planet. Polar cap stations also melted ice and distributed water throughout the planetwide city through a complex series of pipes.

Manarai Mountains
One of the few pieces of Coruscant's landmass that were left untouched were the Manarai Mountains, twin peaks that stuck up out of the ground near the famous Imperial Palace. The Manarai Mountains included the tallest peak, Umate; many floating restaurants; the Monument Plaza; and were home to the Flames of Umate cult. It was beneath the Manarai Mountains where Lusankya was hidden. During the Yuuzhan Vong assault on Coruscant the Manarai Mountains were destroyed.

Galactic City was divided into several thousand quadrants, with each quadrant subdivided into numbered sectors. Some of these numbered sectors received colloquial names. For example, H-46 was also called Sah'c Town, named for the family that owned much of it. Some areas were specifically designated senatorial, governmental, financial (including banking zones), commercial, and residential. Larger areas of the planet were designated for industrial or manufacturing use only. The largest of these areas was known colloquially as "The Works", which manufactured spacecraft parts, droids, and building materials at an astonishing rate for hundreds of years, but as construction in space became more efficient, The Works fell in disrepair. It gained the reputation as a hub of high criminal activity and many locals stayed away from it. Another area of Coruscant was CoCo Town (short for "collective commerce"). Many diverse species lived there and worked in manufacturing. A partially enclosed open-air plaza near the Senate building was called Column Commons because it housed most of the HoloNet and news media corporations.

Coruscant also orbited relatively far from its tiny star Coruscant Prime, ranging from 207 million to 251 million km. Thus, Coruscant did not naturally have a climate suitable for Humans. Coruscant's Humans countered this by erecting a series of orbital mirrors that reflected the sun's warmth and light. Several of these mirrors would be destroyed in the Battle of Coruscant during the Clone Wars, although it is unknown whether this had any lasting effect.

Almost everything on the planet, from clothes to packaging and machinery, was recyclable. Another problem for a world like Coruscant was the unimaginable amount of carbon dioxide and heat energy that its trillion-being population generated each day, so thousands of carbon dioxide-reactive atmospheric dampeners were put into place in the upper atmosphere to prevent atmospheric degeneration. The first set of these planet-wide dampeners, developed by the Galactic Republic, was known as the Coruscant Atmospheric Reclamation Project.
Near the planet's core were a number of massive power relay stations. The lowest levels were abandoned to mutants and scavengers, such as the
cannibalistic, mythical Cthons. The foundations of many of the buildings, some of which weighed billions of tons, also extended deep into the planet's crust.
Galactic Standard Time was developed on Coruscant and revolved around the hours Coruscant had in a single day, which was 24 hours, with 368 local days a year.

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