Thursday, September 13, 2007


Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Tarabba Sector
System: Utapau system
Suns: 1
Moons: 9 (including Utapau 7)
Distance from Core: 51.000 lightyears

Diameter: 12,900 kilometers
Atmosphere: Type 1
Primary terrain: Scrublands, savanna, canyons, sinkholes, deserts, grottoes, underground oceans
Surface water: Less than 0.9%

Rent value (default): 14 Credits
Rent value (1 settlement): 80 Credits
Rent value (2 settlements): 220 Credits
Rent value (3 settlements): 600 Credits
Rent value (4 settlements): 800 Credits
Rent value (with City): 1000 Credits
Mortgage value: 100 Credits
Purchase value: 200 Credits
Cost of Settlement/City: 100 Credits

Utapau was an arid sinkhole world in the Utapau system of the Tarabba Sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Utapau was the adopted homeworld of the Pau'ans and the Utai, more commonly referred to collectively as Utapauns. These species lived in the many giant sinkholes that dotted the planet's scrub-covered surface.

51,000 light years from the core, Utapau orbited a single sun and was itself orbited by nine moons. It was composed of a small molten metallic core, with a rocky mantle and rocky, calcerous crust. Surface water made up only 0.9% of the planet, although most significantly, a vast subterranean ocean encircled the planet below the crust. Although, extensive surface oceans once covered the planet, they leaked away to the subterranean ocean through the readily eroded crust through vast caverns that were once giant magma chambers. In turn, the erosive sea has contributed to the giant sinkholes throughout its windswept and grassy habitable areas. The resulting vast mineral deposits below the ocean are a great source of wealth for the planet.

Sinkholes on Utapau were a common geological feature that appeared in areas where the rock below the surface of the land is made from substances like salt beds, limestone, carbonate rock (which is referred to as a karst landscape) that can be dissolved by ground water flowing through them. This rock can also be weakened by acidic rain. When these rocks dissolve, large spaces develop underneath until it gets too big and the land above the gap collapses. Naturally-occurring sinkholes are also created by long periods of drought, or when caves with underground streams naturally give way.

Utapau consists of two primary races; the Pau'ans comprise thirty percent of the planet's population. They are the upper class of Utapaun society. They work as government officials, administrators, and bureaucrats while the Utai, the other primary race, perform a secondary role as labor for their Pau'an masters. The stubby, humble Utai comprised the Utapaun labor class, maintaining the windmills of their sinkhole cities and serving as handlers for the native varactyl and dactillion dragonmounts.

Utapau never joined the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, Utapau remained neutral, but allegiance was forced upon the current Master of Port Administration, Tion Medon, when General Grievous and the Separatist Council took the world as their own, at the command of Darth Sidious. Grievous threatened to destroy Pau City should Tion attempt to call for help, though luckily, Jaing and Kom'rk located Grievous on the planet. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi landed in Pau City, and was greeted by Tion Medon, who secretly gave Kenobi the location of Grievous's hideout. With the help of Commander Cody's forces, including a detachment of the 501st, and local Utapaun warriors and pilots, Obi-Wan defeated Grievous and the droids, although the Confederacy probably controlled other sinkhole cities, as to have a grasp on the entire planet.

Unfortunately, trouble on Utapau was not ended. The clone troopers, following Order 66 and the Declaration of the New Order, turned on Obi-Wan, nearly killing him and forcing the Jedi Master to flee Utapau. The clone troopers then rounded up members of the resistance movement including Tion Medon and deported them to Byss, where they would be used as slaves in the "recolonization efforts". The Galactic Empire would later establish a secret storehouse on Utapau, holding artifacts such as the remains of Grievous's body and his starfighter.
In 0 BBY, Utapau was predominately governed by the Fey family, and there was some rebel influence on the remote world. The Zann Consortium had the option to corrupt this world by sending Silri and a detachment of Defilers, MZ-8 mobile pulse cannons, and Mark II droidekas to kidnap a member of the Fey family and force the Utapau government to meet the Consortium's demands.
Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Utapau was one of the first worlds to become part of the New Republic, a move designed to prevent the likelihood of once again being attacked and occupied by invading forces. Interestingly, certain texts speculate that Utapau may have been one of the birthplaces of the Jedi Order.

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