Sunday, May 15, 2011

MK 2011 info: Quan Chi

The Netherrealm has produced many vile beings, but none rival the Arch-Sorcerer QUAN CHI. In lieu of Netherrealm demons, he prefers to resurrect deceased warriors for use in his sinister plans. Foremost among them is the tortured Shirai Ryu ninja Scorpion, who is QUAN CHI'S personal assassin. QUAN CHI is building an army of such specters--the purpose of which has yet to be revealed. Another mystery is the sorcerer's involvement in the Mortal Kombat tournament. The Netherrealm has no stake in its outcome, which leads some observers to question his presence...

Signature Moves

Green Flaming Skull: Quan Chi fires a skull of green magical energy at his opponent. This is called Skull Ball in MK 2011.
* The enhanced version is called Skull Chomp and it knocks the opponent farther back, aswell as increase the damage.

Tele Stomp: Quan Chi teleports high, disappearing on the game's camera, and reappears above the opponent, stomping him numerous times.
* The enhanced version is called Sky Stomp and has Quan Chi stomp two additional times on the opponent's chest before kicking them away.

Trance: Quan Chi hypnotizes his opponent with his mystical powers, thus causing them to fall under Quan Chi's control, and making the foe walk towards him, then giving Quan Chi an opportunity for a free hit.
* The enhanced version is called Mesmerize. The opponent's super meter will deplete while under the spell.

Ground Burst: A move where Quan Chi points at the ground causing a light to summon from the floor, also causing only minor damage, and a small knock-back. There are also a close, medium, and far version of the move.
* The enhanced versions are called Ground Blast. A laser beam comes down on the burst, this is unblockable.

Skeletal Boost: Quan Chi summons a skeletal hand that either boosts his damage or regenerates health until he gets hit. Until the effect wears or is removed, Quan Chi cannot use the move again.
* The enhanced version is called Skeletal Buff which adds both buffs to Quan Chi.

X-Ray Move - Amulet Assault: Quan Chi takes the Amulet from his belt, and fires a burst of energy into his opponents face, mesmerizing them. He then tosses his opponent a skull and forces them to hit themselves in the head with it causing damage to the skull, then makes them snap their own neck.


Leg Beatdown: Quan Chi's signature Fatality, he rips off one of his opponent's legs and beats the helpless victim with the torn limb to death. In MK 2011, Quan Chi beats the opponent´s head twice, causing it to explode, before proceeding to beat the rest of the body with the victim´s leg.

On Your Knees: Quan Chi summons a green broadsword and does a quick spin, chopping off his opponent's legs. The opponent is still standing up on their stumps. Quan Chi then slices off the opponent's head, but he catches it as it falls down and holds it up in victory.

Babality: Quan Chi opens a portal and summons a skull which falls down and hits him on the head, causing him to cry.