Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Operation Overdrive Ranger data 2: The Black Ranger

Will Aston
Will Aston is the Black Overdrive Ranger. He is the second Black Ranger of Afro-Caribbean descent ever since Zack Taylor's tenure from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. A suave and cocky spy-for-hire with a bag full of high-tech equipment, he enjoys any chance to prove his skills against sophisticated security devices. He is also a suave ladies man, a la a younger version of James Bond, who appreciates the finer things in life. He tries to maintain a cooler-than-thou edge, making him the only Ranger not excited about Halloween as he considered it 'kids stuff'.

Used to working alone, Will was initially annoyed at having to work in a team and deliberately went off on his own in the Atlantis mission, getting frustrated every time he screwed up as a result; he realized he needed the team when Mack saved his life. Will showed his corrected thinking at the idea of teamwork when trying to help Tyzonn learn the same lesson. His connection to the team can be seen where he struck out on his own and risked his life to rescue Ronny, who'd been captured saving him.

Power and equipment
Will's genetic power is enhanced hearing and "telescopular" vision; both senses enable him to see things from afar and hear sounds from great distances. His primary weapon is the Drive Slammer, and he commands the Speed and Crane Driver Zords, as well as the Drive Carrier Zord.

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