Thursday, April 22, 2010

MK vs DCU info #15: Green Lantern

Fighter pilot Hal Jordan was testing an experimental aircraft when he found himself transported into the desert, to the side of a dying alien who gifted him with a glowing ring, which is charged regularly by a green lantern. By taking the ring, Jordan found himself drafted into the Green Lantern Corps, an interstellar police force that assigned him to protect Earth. Jordan can use his ring to conjure up anything he can imagine.

Each Green Lantern wields a Power ring that can generate a variety of effects, sustained purely by the ring wearer's imagination and strength of will. The greater the user's willpower, the more effective the ring. The upper limits of the power ring's abilities are not clearly defined and it has been referred to as "the most powerful weapon in the universe" on more than one occasion. It has also been stated that every weapon has a weakness and the weakness a Green Lantern ring has is its wearer (though some argue that this is its strength). Across the years, the rings have been shown capable of accomplishing almost anything within the imagination of the ring bearer.

Stories in 2006 retconned the ring's long-established ineffectiveness on yellow objects, stating that the ring-wielder need only feel fear, understand it and overcome it in order to affect yellow objects (however, it is a learned and practiced ability, making it a weakness to some Green Lanterns), giving retroactive credence to the explanation of the ring's real but surmountable weakness to yellow.

Signature Moves

Strength of Will
: Green Lantern creates a hammer with his power ring and slams it on his opponent.

Summoned Hand Grab
: Green Lantern creates a hand with his power ring that grabs his opponent and slams them to the ground.

Wall Barrier
: Green Lantern creates a brick wall with his power ring that can absorb projectiles and can hurt opponents that run into it.

Justice Fist
: Green Lantern creates a hand with his power ring and shoots it at his opponent.
Judgement Hammer: Green Lantern
creates a hammer which he pushes the opponent away from him with.

Heroic Brutalities

Orb Crusher
: Green Lantern encases his opponent in a green orb using his power ring, then shrinks it down, crushing the opponent into a broken heap.

Hammer Smash: Green Lantern
creates two giant hammers in the air which he swings downward and crushes his opponents torso with.

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