Monday, April 26, 2010

MK vs DCU info #18: Lex Luthor

One of the richest and smartest men in the world, Lex Luthor is motivated by bottomless ambition, an egotistical disregard for morality, and an intense hatred of Superman. Using the resources of his financial empire as head of LexCorp, Luthor has developed a high-tech suit to duplicate some of Superman's abilities. Luthor is obsessed with removing the man he sees as the main obstacle to his rise to absolute power.

Lex Luthor has the physical capabilities and limitations of a normal adult with no metahuman abilities. However, he possesses a genius level of intelligence. For virtually his entire publication history, he has been depicted as the most intelligent human in the DC Universe, and as one of the most intelligent beings of any planet or species. He has mastered seemingly every known form of science, including space travel, extra-dimensional travel, biochemistry, robotics, computers, synthetic polymers, communications, mutations, transportation, holography, energy generation, spectral analysis and more (including time travel in many Pre-Crisis stories). With the exception of the renegade Coluan scientist Brainiac, he does not view any other being as an intellectual peer.

Since the Bronze Age of Comics, Lex Luthor has utilized various battlesuits in many stories, often equipping them with kryptonite weapons capable of injuring Superman and other Kryptonians. Additionally, he often wore a kryptonite ring on his right hand in Post-Crisis stories, but abandoned this tactic after prolonged exposure to K-radiation resulted in the loss of his hand and poisoned his entire body (requiring him to transplant his brain into a cloned body in order to survive).

Signature Moves

Hot Flames: Lex fires a burst of flames from his wrist.

Target Practice: Lex
fires a missile from a gauntlet which immediately locks on to the opponent.

LexCorp Rocket: Lex
fires a missile directly at his opponent.
Evasive Maneuver: Lex
escapes from his opponent using a rocket in a boot, sliding away from his opponent.

Rocket Boots: Lex
spins forward in the air, rights himself, and then kicks his opponent in the face with his rocket boots.

Powered Palms
: Utilizing both his martial arts skills and the increased strength of his Battlesuit, Lex does three thrusting palm strikes while crouching.


Body Twist: Lex
grabs his opponent and then twists their upper body to the point where their upper body is facing the opposite direction of their lower half.

Missile Attack: Lex enters a code on his suit and missiles target the opponent.

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