Thursday, June 26, 2008

12th day, where nearly everything went wrong

Happy Birthday to Monika, Colleen and Rebecca Chan
Thursday, 26th June

Something bad happened to myself earlier today. I think I've been under attack by an evil spirit. Or maybe it's just lack of self-control or sheer impatience. Whatever the case is, I am so not gonna waste any more time in that Saeksart University starting from next week. And I am gonna stick to Ice Mocha or Cappucinno, NOT ice cream.

After waking up late and going for the usual Bible Study, me and Pa had lunch at Pacific Plaza located at Sri Racha... at good ol' McDonald's. :-) Although the manager for that outlet was really pretty (looks a bit like Jessica Tan, heh), I don't quite feel so enthusiastic about Mc's like before (cos I usually eat at Mc's abt once a week). the menu is roughly the same as the one in the Singaporean outlets, BUT there was also evidence on copycats from KFC: stuff like Cheesy Fries, Spicy Drumlets and Banditos. Still, it was great to eat at Mc's again after so long.

Right after lunch, we went to this Saekchan's house, and after visitng Ronald, we began a long and tiring journey... and that's where my weakness for boredom and impatience started. I am NOT even interested in looking at the female students there, never mind if some of them are really cute and attractuve like a few gals I know back in Singapore, be it actresses or fans (wink wink). I don't wish to go into further details, cos I already feel remorseful for the scene I created. Still, I have to admit I do feel lonely like an outsider with so many Thai teens looking at me, a Thai-nese fella from another country who cannot understand the language they are speaking. Still, I made up for the blunder in that darn place by eating sandwiches for dinner. I feel I have to pray for repentance right now...

Lord Jesus, I pray that You forgive me for flaring up over small matters and for throwing fits. I am really trying very hard to control myself and resist negative thoughts. And do teach me to be more tolerant and understanding towards Pa and Saekchan who are evangelising to the students in that school. Also teach me to be more caring towards my friends and even my enemies, including that attention seeker. I really don't want to hate that person, but I hope that someday he will realizen the errors of his ways and learn to be more humble.
I also thank You for watching over us during that difficult journey along the road, for leading us safely back to Chonburi. I pray You forgive those road hogs who are rather reckless. I commit the rest of the night and tomorrow into Your hands. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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