Saturday, June 21, 2008

7th day... my first time in a village

7th day, 21st June (start of the Cancer Star)
Happy Birthday to Steph Loh and Elaine

Firstly we went to send the laundry to Manorr, and then we went to fetch Kundam, followed by 3 youngsters from different locations, 2 boys and a girl. We drove to a village region to share the Word with an elderly couple living there, for abt half an hour. While in the high-stilted kampung hut, I took pics of the chickens there, at the same time being amazed by the suburb environment. Somehow I felt that the rooster and the hen on the wooden plank (see 2nd pic) are rehearsing a scene from "Titanic"... the one where Rose said to Jack, "You jump, I jump?" :-p

After that, we went to a certain school (where the system was rather laidback) at another part of the village; it was there that Dad and one of the teenagers sang worship songs and narrated the story of Jacob and his twelve sons to abt 12 children. I spent some time drawing cartoons for the kids to see, and then we headed to another part of the village to pray for a wheelchair-bound elderly guy. The kids were all optimistic, carefree and cheerful lot, one of the younger gals reminded me of Jerena.

Other than the skinny chickens residing there, I also took pictures of dogs (one of them having a really black face like Justice Bao), ducks, a giant rat (trapped in a cage) and even a miniature crab (the size of a thumbnail!!). At about 1.30 pm, we bade farewell to the kids and left the place. Me and Dad dropped the rest back to their respective homes, and went back to take a rest. What happened after that will be private and confidential.
This was the very first time I have been to a village in person, there are a lot of differences between life in the village and life in the city. The food there is being sold at a cheaper price, there is little electricty and no air-conditioning in the households there, the roads wetre mostly muddy. And most of the kids may not even have seen a laptop before. This experience certainly made me see my own life through a different persepective, and made me realize how blessed I am to be living in a city region rather than in a village. I feel that I won't be able to adapt well for even a day in the village.
Matthew 16:28 says, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in My name receives Me."

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