Wednesday, July 2, 2008

1st day of Khao Yai tour

15th day, 29th June (Sunday)
Full details on what happened on the first day of the trip to the Khao Yai regions.

Firstly Ace the van driver fetched me and Pa, then we went to fetch Poh Chye, Julianna, Julia and Robert from the hostel they are residing in. We went to have breakfast at a certain food stall along the road.

This is the interior of the van that we took for the next 3 days.

This is the pretty girl who served us at the confectionery-coffee shop run by her dad (who came out in pyjamas). I'm guessing she could be aged between 18 to 21. She does remind me a little of Shu Ling :-)

BEHOLD THE POWER OF THOR!! Haha, Im just kidding... this is the axe used for cutting the bamboo stems meant for gluttonous rice. The rice stall was located just next to the confectionery mentioned earlier.

We saw lots of monkeys along the way, but as the van was moving too fast, we couldn't get to snap a clear pic of them. I did however take pictures of the Chinese temples located not far from where the monkeys roamed.

Anyway, we went to attend Sunday service at Pastor Saeksan's church at 10 am... it was kinda crammed, but the members there were truly committed to worshipping God. The service was quite interesting, got some references on The Matrix Trilogy. After service ended at 12.30 pm, we went to have lunch at place near said church

We then resumed our start long journey, taking a break at fruit stall at roadside.

We went to recce around Po Ngam Mountain Lodge for about an hour. There was a scaling-rope at the main lodge, and also a lake in the midst of it, extremely deep at 9 m (and they used it for some adventure???).

I managed to spot a grey-n-white male cat near the entrance, man he was adorable!! Never mind if he was a little tired. He began chewing on grass the moment he woke up, to get rid of the excess fur in his throat (fur which would bundle up into hairballs). Julianna, who used to rear 2 cats, also began stroking the tomcat with affection.

We reached the Khao Yai Mountain regions at abt 5.45 pm, head to restaurant near hostel and have dinner there. We could see the beautiful sunset from where we sat.

We then went for lights out in the hostel at base of the hill.

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